Sunday, March 14, 2010

Some Results on Impulse Radio Sequences

Therefore,when we study the impulse radio sequences,we can use the method when we studyed optical orthogonal codes,and the results of optical orthogonal codes.Giving the upper bound and the exact codes of impulse radio sequences is a topic of combinatory design.Upper bound is the maximal possible number of sequences in an(m,k,λ)-IRS.In this thesie,we use the relationship between impulse radio sequences and optical orthogonal codes,and the relationship between the optical orthogonal codes and cyclic packing to improve the upper bound for impulse radio sequences.Then,we will give the exact value ofφ(m,k,λ) withλ=k-1.There are four chapters in the thesis:The fist chapter introduce the background of impulse radio sequences,the definition and known results.We also give the relationship between impulse radio sequences and optical orthogonal codes.The upper bound for optical orthogonal codes was first introduced by Johnson in 1962.since impulse radio sequences is a class of optical orthogonal code,it satisfies the Johnson bound.However,if is not tight enough.A better upper bound for(m,k,1) impulse radio sequences was given by Gao and Chang.In the second chapter,we will present a upper bound for impulse radio sequences whenλ≥2.In this thesis we set up the relationship between impulse radio sequences and cyclic packing,then we will give a new upper bound for impulse radio sequences whenλ≥2.In the third chapter,we will present the exact value of impulse radio sequence whenλ=k-1.